Monday, October 10, 2011


So, it's that time of the year again. Halloween time is upon us, and the joys and fun of spookiest time of the year are just around the corner. I love it. People make way too big of a deal about the negatives of Halloween. It's only that way if you don't teach your kids to stay away from the negatives. This is a great time where kids can be kids and adults can relive their childhood memories.

I am looking forward to teaching my child about this day, about the coolness of this day and being responsible about appreciating the spookiness of this day. I want him or her to love getting dressed up, joining dad in trying to scare the heck out of mommy, and going on their first trick-or-treating adventure.

You can have fun and be responsible at the same time. You don't need to go over board with the spooky, but the right amount can be fun, and helpful. Helpful? Yes, helpful. We can give ourselves a break this time of the year. A break from the monotony of our lives or the responsibilities that befall us and let loose. We can experience what it's like to be carefree and have fun.

Do you remember what it's like to have real fun? I'm talking about the kind of fun that happens only on Halloween. My kid better love this day as much as I do. I mean it. They better.

Take the opportunity this year to experience the spooky. In a mature way. In a safe way. But take a moment and let your spooky come out. You'll thank yourself the next day.

Until Next Time