What gets me is ignorance. I don't care for people who whine when things don't go the way they planned, or when someone does and/or says something that they disagree with. They take it as an attack on them that people have an opinion that is different than their own. Is free thinking, and personal thought really that damaging that you have lash out at them as though they broke into your house and left trash all over it.
I like so many others today have weighed in on the whole Chick-Fil-A is against gay marriage thing. Yes, I went there, no I didn't eat, and the only reason for that was they they were sold out of everything but fries and gift cards. First off, way to go, that is awesome for business. Second, I didn't go there because I hate gay people or I feel I need to oppress them and keep them from living productive lives in our country or anywhere else in the world. I don't hate them, I don't want to rob them of their freedoms, and I don't want to see them viewed as lepers carrying a disease. They are productive citizens that love this country too and want to see it thrive.
No, I went today to support the First Amendment to the Constitution which is the Free Speech. Dan Cathy is not a legislator. He doesn't create laws. He's not in government. He is a citizen and a business owner. He gave an OPINION, and gave it a voice. I fully expected people to be against his stance; but what I didn't expect was how many people ridiculed him for speaking in the first place. He is a man of faith and voiced that. It's no surprise that Chick-Fil-A is a Christian based organization, why was it a surprise that Cathy supported a Christian idea?
My outrage isn't directed towards the groups that were upset by his statement but rather the politicians that came out and targeted Cathy as a man who is full of hate. These people should know better. I am outraged that free speech has taken on the form of an outcast family member. I'm tired of pandering voters for their votes. I'm tired of people not speaking the truth because they're afraid they're going to lose the support of their constituents. I'm outraged that our leaders lashed out at a man who voiced his opinion and position because they feel that if they don't people will think they don't support gays or whomever the target of said statement was about.
On the flip side, I don't think it's right to support said statement just to win over voters. If you agree and have been in agreement for years, fine, support it. But if you've never been out there on the issue and you jump on simply because someone said something and you think you can score some political capital by agreeing with it, you're no better than those who are attacking it for the goal. Free Speech is terrific, and when you attack someone simply because you don't like what they said, there are bigger issues to be discussed here, don't you think?
When did free speech become a plague in this country? When was it added to the amendment that you can say what you want but only if you clear it with everyone first? When was it added that you can say what you want so long as people don't get offended? When did free speech become something to be afraid of rather than celebrated? I think if politicians freely spoke their mind more, we wouldn't be critical of them. They are so busy trying win over everyone and get their votes that they don't say what they truly mean.
Our own President who just six months ago was against gay marriage, changed his position when he learned that he employed two people who were in fact gay, and learned too that he would lose the votes of the gay community if he didn't change his stance. Pandering is no way to be a leader. If you feel a way about something, stand up for your convictions. Don't run away because you think you're going to lose.
I've said it before but living in a country where there's free speech means sometimes, people are going to get offended. Public opinion is good, debate is good. Healthy conversation is good, why are we so afraid of debate and opinion?
You're not going to agree 100% of the time on everything, that's the price of living in a republic like we do. I don't need to agree all the time on every thing. Thoughts, beliefs, values, they're all different to different people. That's what's great about this country.
Can we though, live in a society where free speech isn't a disease worth eliminating but rather a gift that sparks people to see things differently and maybe meet and discuss them in a polite way? Can we celebrate free speech without getting offended because someone said something you don't agree with? Do we always have to resort to whining when something goes against the plan?
Free speech isn't the plague... hatred and ignorance are the plague. Let's work hard at removing that. Let's fight the fights that need fighting. Celebrate free speech! Don't attack for the sake of attacking because you don't like what people have to say. Try to understand it.
To our potential presidential hopefuls... Don't be afraid to speak. Earn our respect, not our votes. You will get our vote when you've earned our respect. Speak your minds, and be honest. We deserve that.
Until Next Time