Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Enough Already

When will someone make the perfect phone already? I am getting just a little tired of all the adds from the different companies talking about how they are the ones with the best coverage, least dropped calls, 3G, 4G, enough already.

I miss the days when you just made a phone call on your phone and that was it. You didn't need anything else. Then someone came up with text messaging, which I admit is a rather cool feature, no complaints here, however I do have an issue that I will come back to later; but when your phone is capable to repositioning a global satellite, (which none can, it's a tirade about technology) it's time to just come up with one phone and let that be the end of it.

Every year, there is this huge ad campaign to inform the consumers that the newest and most powerful Iphone is now out and people line up for days to be the first to get it. Why? I don't understand it. It's a phone. Now, my wife has an Iphone. Did she wait a long long long long time for it in line? No. She went in one day, and it took about 10 minutes.

I still don't understand the allure to it. I don't get why these things are so amazingly powerful to the consumer that they must go out and have it. Bare in mind, there is nothing currently wrong with their phone, they just must have the newest version of the phone they already own. Be happy with the things you own, not unhappy with what you don't.

I said I would come back to text messaging and my one complaint about it.... while you can state you cannot illustrate. I don't mean drawing a picture literally, I mean that you cannot paint a picture of your meaning. All you see are the words and people are using the least amount possible, so you lose the intention and the meaning. You can't hear inflection so one might think you're either being rude, or being mean, or some other thing that hurts you. If you have something to say to someone, and it needs more than what your text capabilities can do, make the call. Have the conversation. I have been both a victim and an accomplice in this area. It sucks. I don't like it, and so if I have something to say, I say verbally. That way you know what I mean, and how I mean it. I say this laughing because here I am basically texting my feelings via the world wide web.

Make one phone that the world can use so that we stop spending money we don't have on things we don't need. Also, you have something important to say, say it, don't text it. Enough already with the vast new things we don't need and the quickness with which we try to say things but lose out on intention.

That will about do it for todays, tirade.
Thanks for listening

Until next time


  1. You had to know that I would chime in, right? For some people, the basic cell phone would work for them. They use it for an occational phone call and that's it. However, someone like me for instance... that's sooo not the case. I use my iPhone for just about everything. I can check my email, play on Facebook, find a receipe for dinner, figure out the tip when we eat out, you name it. I listen to music, and yes, even make a phone call (shocking, I know.) Do I "need" all of these features, no. Do I like them and use them frequently, yes. Hey, I've even caught you playing with my iPhone several times... For instance, I recall a certain someone checking the wait time at Disneyland. Again, not needed, but a fun app right? I had to replace my last phone because it broke. The cost of the iPhone at the time was cheaper than phones with far less features. So, yeah, I got it. No, I didn't wait in line for days, or even hours. I walked in, noticed the sale and went for it. (You know me and sales!) My point... those of us with high-tech phones... do we need them, no... will we continue to buy them, heck yeah! Oh, and FYI, I'm not getting the new iPhone. I'm perfectly happy with the one I have... oh yeah, one more thing... Text messaging. As far as a complete conversation, I must agree with you. A phone call is always best. But, for the simple "Did you feed Pepper?" it always gets the job done... LOVE YA!

  2. While I love my Droid and all the stuff it can do, I'm a little saddened that people would rather Facebook, TXT, Twitter or email instead of just talk. The human voice conveys so much meaning.

    I have the perfect phone for you PJ, the Jitterbug
