Tuesday, March 22, 2011


So, I turned 35 last week and I have been having some mixed emotions about it. I don't know what to think, good or bad. However, I've learned one amazing good that has come from reaching this age... I am now qualified to be President of the United States. How cool is that? I have met the final qualification as mandated by the U.S. Constitution. That is some mighty great news.

So I have been thinking about what I would do should I run, and while I jokingly stated what I would do if I ran for President, I have taken the last few days to think about my platform, the things I would stand for. Below is the list of things I would like to accomplish, and things that mean something to me. Take a moment, look and see if you think I would make a darn good President.

1.Education: I want schools to be cathedrals. I want there to be more teachers, not fewer, more schools, not fewer. I want schools to have the finest technology, the best classrooms, the most qualified teachers, and the safest atmosphere. Where do I get the money to accomplish all this? From the increase taxes in exports to foreign countries I invoke, as well as the money states use from making 70% of all freeways, toll roads. Let’s start putting that money to use in the states.

2.Taxes: Yes, I will increase taxes, but only on incomes over 2 million dollars. Large corporations will have a tax increase on them as well, to offset the tax cut I give to middle and lower income families. There will be a tax cut for small business owners who are in their first five years of establishing a business. Small business owners with more than one business type or style will only be given two years. I will also be increasing taxes on TV and productions studios for the ridiculous prices they charge for commercials that air during their programs. Talent and producers as well as directors salaries will be based on current performance and not history. I will also tax heavily tabloids for inaccurate accounts of private citizens and their families. Pornography will also be heavily taxed and money made by industries will be used towards schools and other state programs.

3.Oil: I want to rely more on what we have right here at home and use our own reserves to help with the high price of gas in this country. I am putting together a commission to find ways to manufacture oil rather than use the high methane oil that is currently in use. I will also put a cap on gasoline prices so that companies aren’t getting rich at the payers expense by regulating the price of gas across the board.

4.Spending: Listen, we need to cut needless spending in this country. We need to stop bailing out companies that make unwise and foolish decisions. The bank is closed as far as that is concerned. Needless road construction, building remodels, saving foreign nations from their own mistakes, all of these are finished on my watch. It’s time America put Americans first.

5.Military: I’m done waging war for several years without a clear objective or exit strategy. We need to go in heavy from the outset and make clear that we are there to win and if you’re going to help, then get out of the way, because pain is coming. It’s time to let those who would wield fear and terror as common everyday occurrences that your time is over and it will no longer be tolerated. This isn’t going to end with the American flag waving over Baghdad or in Mecca, but it will mean that leaders will have to start enforcing a stricter code of conduct otherwise the U.N. sanctioned American lead forces will do what is necessary and do your job for you at the cost being you lose your job.

6.Jobs: Can I give everyone who wants a job a job? No. I’m sorry. I cannot. What I can do is create areas where one can get a job with my schools initiative, new ways of creating gas, new cars that will run on this new gas, National Parks rangers and maintenance crews that will have housing provided for them and their families, Needful road construction and maintenance, as well as jobs in the federal government to help out currently over worked employees.

7.Role of the Federal Government: I don’t want to be involved in every aspect of your life. It’s not my place to say what you can or cannot do. A lot of responsibility will be given to our local leaders and state leaders. States must become more involved and stop asking the federal government for aid. We will only become involved if and when the need arises or when we feel the states are letting good decisions go and allowing bad ones to be made.

8.Courts: I am putting an end to pointless lawsuits and ones that take up the courts time and cost the taxpayers’ money. I am eliminating those as well any and all suits that aren’t about theft, legitimate damage, or life threatening injury. The court system will also be overhauled where there will be three judges hearing appeals over issues that have been voted on by the citizens. Appeals will no longer be allowed because you don’t like the outcome, but rather because you have true grounds to have an appeal. I am taking away judge’s power to place his/her own personal agenda on the bench. It’s going to be about the law, not personal issues.

9.The President: Whatever decisions I make, I will tell you what I’m thinking before I make them. I will not make the man more important than the office. There will not be any grandstanding or time wasted watching me predict Oscar results, March Madness winners, Super Bowl winners, or any other unimportant event. You will not pay for my needless vacations or fancy dinners. My job will be based on the performance, and if you feel that I didn’t do a good enough job, I will not seek a second term in office.

10.The Border: Effective immediately, day worker visas are no longer. You will not be entitled to Social Security benefits if you haven’t been here for more than five years working. I am enforcing border patrol and anyone caught crossing illegally will sent back and jailed for their actions. I will not allow them to be jailed here at our citizen’s expense. You will be treated like an enemy of the state and sent back to your country of origin. I will also work with foreign nations to help them make their economy grow so that their citizens don’t feel the need to flee here. I will also direct states to regulate laws as they see fit so long as it doesn’t violate the laws of U.S. Citizens. It shouldn’t be an issue to be able to produce citizenship papers, unless you have something to hide. We are no longer in the business of healing the world, or housing the world.

11.Health Care: No, I am giving everyone health care, nor am I making it a crime to not have it, but I am making it affordable. Small business owners will be given tax breaks for giving its workers medical and dental coverage. You will still pay for your coverage out of your monthly or bimonthly pay checks. We will remove the words preexisting conditions from all health care forms and co pays will no longer be forced onto policy holders. Children will be covered until the age of 18 under parent’s policy. Hospitals will be compensated with tax breaks for lowering their prices on surgeries or medicine. Patients going in for routine treatments will not have to be billed for just seeing a doctor for issues that are under one hundred dollars. Hospitals will be built into safe well constructed buildings with the finest in equipment and staffed with the most qualified nurses and doctors.

This is what I stand for, and this is how I will run the country.

Time America put Americans First.

So, that's it. The issues, and way to try and solve them.

Until next time