Friday, September 7, 2012

Game Changer

Well, the conventions are over, the parties have spoken, and now it's up to the voters. The last two weeks, there have been things spoken by both sides that have pleased people and angered people. Very partisan policies have been proposed by both sides as well as ideas meant to unite the two parties and their members. Both sides said things that people think are lies, and both parties said things that they wish they could expand upon or take back. Either way, words right now, aren't what we are looking for. What we need is action. We want to feel as though our voice matters and our will is done.

I watched obama's speech last night, and I believe he believes what he says. He has great conviction, is a very good public speaker, and may be a truly great magician and a master of the misdirect. It appeared to me as well as many others that obama did a great show last night telling voters, don't look over here at my failures and mistakes, look over here at where I want to take you. Any time someone might have looked the other way, there was obama telling you not to look over there, but to keep you eyes on him, and it is over here that he has a future for us and we will move forward if we give him our vote.

The other thing I noticed about him was he was a man desperate to keep his job. He doesn't want to be added to current list of unemployment this November, so he's pulling out all his great tricks and words and past speeches reminding people why they voted for him four years ago. I don't think he sold himself as the best man, simply the lesser of two evils. If you ask me, Clinton presented himself better as President than obama did. Too bad he reached his term limit. Don't even get me started on Pelosi and her misguided presentation of obama and his policies as the man who can get things done. I think she hurt him more than she helped.

On the other hand, Mr. Romney didn't land the mark either. He didn't come out of his convention as the leader I believe he intended to be. I look at him, and think that he sees himself as a game changer. Someone who will level the playing field and do what must be done. I don't think he's a liar, just in over his head. It's easy to be on the outside looking in and saying, well this is what I would do, and this is how I'm going to do it. Actually sitting behind the desk and calling those shots is an entirely different thing. I've watched enough of the West Wing to know that being President is an act of character and good intentions will only get you so far if you can't back up what you want to do.

Mr. Romney wants to change things. He wants to rescue us from liberal policies. Here is where I have the problem. Liberal policies aren't a bad thing. I said that, and I'm a conservative. Liberals aren't a four letter curse word and their policies are not the act of the devil. Think about it like this, it was liberal thinking that ended slavery in this country. Yes, it was also a republican president who ended slavery; but he was a liberal republican. He was someone who saw that they way things are needed to be changed and new ideas had to be presented.

However, it's also liberal thinking that makes you think that if you don't like someone you can always change the law or create a law to make things the way you want them to be rather than what they need to be. It's liberal thinking that says if you don't like the result of a vote, who cares, you can always fight it and blame someone else and make the claim that it was out of hatred or racism or sexism, or any other ism, that makes their case for them. That it's always someone else's fault other than yourself when someone goes wrong or not according to your plan.

Now, I'm not against liberalism. I think in the right context, in the right way and for the right reasons, liberal thinking is good for the country and good for the people who vote for it. I also believe that there are benefits to conservative thinking and the polices that have benefited us in the long run. Being a conservative doesn't always make you right, and being a liberal doesn't make you wrong. Vice versa if you favor the other way. There's a balance that is needed no matter which way you lean. I'd like to see the politicians of the future see the good in being both. I'd like to see the two words not being hurled at one another as those being one way or the other is like having a virus with no cure. I'd like to think that my life is balanced because I have a little liberalism in me as well as my conservatism.

As far as this November goes, I'm voting for Romney. Is he the game changer that he believes he will be? I don't know. But then again, every President has walked into the Oval Office on the first day thinking they were going to change the world. If they didn't, they were a fool. Aim high, sir, aim for the stars. I'm sure, mr. obama walked into the office thinking the same thing. Good for him. I however don't feel as confident in him as I do Romney. I look at Romney and see what I want to be. I look at obama and see what we are, and I don't like it. We can do better. However, should obama win again, it is my hope that he can live up to his promises, to his positions, and unite the country.

I think we all need to wrap our heads around the fact that no matter who wins, someone is going to be upset. Someone is going to say we're heading downhill, that we are doomed for failure. There's nothing wrong with being upset that the person you voted for didn't win. The problem will come when that anger comes out in a destructive way and all you can see in the winner are his negatives because you wish so badly that your guy had won. Does that sound familiar?

May winner be the man that takes ideas from both the liberals and the conservatives and unites them under the banner of the red white and blue and champions a new set of ideas that the world can unite behind. May he have the courage of his convictions and the fortitude to what is best for the country. May he be the game changer we are looking for.

Until next time:

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


As an American I have my loves and complaints about the country that I call home. I loathe my taxes, and my leaders mistakes and lack of leadership, an abusive police force, and the L.A. Lakers. On the other hand, there are many thing with which I love about my country. I love my wonderful state of California and its amazing sights, and beauties, I love the rich history that my country has fought for itself over time, and I love my freedoms.

What gets me is ignorance. I don't care for people who whine when things don't go the way they planned, or when someone does and/or says something that they disagree with. They take it as an attack on them that people have an opinion that is different than their own. Is free thinking, and personal thought really that damaging that you have lash out at them as though they broke into your house and left trash all over it.

I like so many others today have weighed in on the whole Chick-Fil-A is against gay marriage thing. Yes, I went there, no I didn't eat, and the only reason for that was they they were sold out of everything but fries and gift cards. First off, way to go, that is awesome for business. Second, I didn't go there because I hate gay people or I feel I need to oppress them and keep them from living productive lives in our country or anywhere else in the world. I don't hate them, I don't want to rob them of their freedoms, and I don't want to see them viewed as lepers carrying a disease. They are productive citizens that love this country too and want to see it thrive.

No, I went today to support the First Amendment to the Constitution which is the Free Speech. Dan Cathy is not a legislator. He doesn't create laws. He's not in government. He is a citizen and a business owner. He gave an OPINION, and gave it a voice. I fully expected people to be against his stance; but what I didn't expect was how many people ridiculed him for speaking in the first place. He is a man of faith and voiced that. It's no surprise that Chick-Fil-A is a Christian based organization, why was it a surprise that Cathy supported a Christian idea?

My outrage isn't directed towards the groups that were upset by his statement but rather the politicians that came out and targeted Cathy as a man who is full of hate. These people should know better. I am outraged that free speech has taken on the form of an outcast family member. I'm tired of pandering voters for their votes. I'm tired of people not speaking the truth because they're afraid they're going to lose the support of their constituents. I'm outraged that our leaders lashed out at a man who voiced his opinion and position because they feel that if they don't people will think they don't support gays or whomever the target of said statement was about.

On the flip side, I don't think it's right to support said statement just to win over voters. If you agree and have been in agreement for years, fine, support it. But if you've never been out there on the issue and you jump on simply because someone said something and you think you can score some political capital by agreeing with it, you're no better than those who are attacking it for the goal. Free Speech is terrific, and when you attack someone simply because you don't like what they said, there are bigger issues to be discussed here, don't you think?

When did free speech become a plague in this country? When was it added to the amendment that you can say what you want but only if you clear it with everyone first? When was it added that you can say what you want so long as people don't get offended? When did free speech become something to be afraid of rather than celebrated? I think if politicians freely spoke their mind more, we wouldn't be critical of them. They are so busy trying win over everyone and get their votes that they don't say what they truly mean.

Our own President who just six months ago was against gay marriage, changed his position when he learned that he employed two people who were in fact gay, and learned too that he would lose the votes of the gay community if he didn't change his stance. Pandering is no way to be a leader. If you feel a way about something, stand up for your convictions. Don't run away because you think you're going to lose.

I've said it before but living in a country where there's free speech means sometimes, people are going to get offended. Public opinion is good, debate is good. Healthy conversation is good, why are we so afraid of debate and opinion?

You're not going to agree 100% of the time on everything, that's the price of living in a republic like we do. I don't need to agree all the time on every thing. Thoughts, beliefs, values, they're all different to different people. That's what's great about this country.

Can we though, live in a society where free speech isn't a disease worth eliminating but rather a gift that sparks people to see things differently and maybe meet and discuss them in a polite way? Can we celebrate free speech without getting offended because someone said something you don't agree with? Do we always have to resort to whining when something goes against the plan?

Free speech isn't the plague... hatred and ignorance are the plague. Let's work hard at removing that. Let's fight the fights that need fighting. Celebrate free speech! Don't attack for the sake of attacking because you don't like what people have to say. Try to understand it.

To our potential presidential hopefuls... Don't be afraid to speak. Earn our respect, not our votes. You will get our vote when you've earned our respect. Speak your minds, and be honest. We deserve that.

Until Next Time

Thursday, July 12, 2012

No Contest

I saw something on this morning about whether or not this years Olympic men's basketball team would beat the Dream Team of 1992. They interviewed Kobe, Lebron, and Chris Paul, all of whom said that this team would beat them because of their speed, and their defensive toughness. Kobe laughed at it and thought that his team would win and he would guard Michael Jordan with Lebron on Magic.

OK, I'm all for thinking highly of yourselves, but let's be honest.... The Dream Team would destroy them. We are talking about the greatest collection of basketball players of all time. This is a no contest people. Magic, Michael, Larry, Charles, and Ewing vs. Kobe, Lebron, Durant, Paul and Chandler. Are you kidding me? The 2012 would make a good showing for the first couple of minutes due to their athleticism, but then Michael would say, enough, and Magic and Larry would pull some amazing passes and shots out their butts and the next thing you know, the Dream Team is up fifteen halfway through the first quarter.

The Dream Team were the best basketball players in the world and they still are considered to be just that. This group, yes, they have talent, and yes they are very good, but please, let's be honest and think about things. The Dream Team didn't just win the gold at Barcelona, they dominated. They won by and average of 40 points a game. That's just sad. They switched up their starting lineups game by game and each five were just as good as the one that started the game before. Kobe guarding MJ? That would last about five minutes before Coach K told him that he wasn't good enough and that guarding Michael was only making Michael embarrass them more. Lebron wouldn't know how to guard Magic. Lebron would be too confused by all the skills such as passing and playing defense, he would think he's still in high school. Larry Bird vs Kevin Durant would be fun to watch, but Larry is Larry Bird for a reason and the young star would find out he's not ready for the big leagues vs Larry Legend.

For all their brashness and egotistical ways, the 2012 team would put up a fight for a while, but ultimately, come to fine what every team in 1992 came to find out when they played against them, the Dream Team is just too good.

Until Next Time:

Friday, March 16, 2012


I have to say, that when I learned I was going to be a father, and learned that I would be the one that stayed home with her during her first months, many many fears entered my mind. Would I be good at this, would she be all right in my care, would I actually enjoy it? Those and many more fears entered into my world.

After three months, almost four, I have to say that I enjoy it more than I thought I would. She's fun to be around. Yes, she's had her moments of crying for hours on end, and has driven me nuts from time to time. However, I wouldn't trade getting to know her for anything. I love seeing her smile, hearing her laugh, and look forward to her getting mobile and making me keep my eyes on her at all times.

As I type this, she is at my feet in her chair sound asleep. It's fun watching her sleep not just because she's so peaceful, but also because I can tell when she dreams. She moves and squirms and it's oh so cute and charming. I love it.

I am still afraid that I won't be the best dad for I can be all the time, but I will certainly do my best. No amount of fear can replace the joy of being around her, and doing the best I can to raise her to be the best darn girl she can be.

Every parent looks at their child and thinks it, or says it aloud, and I am no different but I have the most adorable little girl in the world. She's just too good to be true sometimes.

Until next time

Thursday, March 1, 2012


OK... I'm getting to that place again where I feel like we are declining as a society. I think that as a society we've lowered our standards for what qualifies as a good leader. I think we have lowered our standards and come to expect less from one another when we should be expecting more. I'm sick and tired of the phrase, 'better than the alternative.' It's like saying I chose the lesser to two evils.

Now before I go any further, this is not an attack of just the Democrats but also of my Republican party. I don't despise Democrats, and I don't think that being a republican makes you omnipotent. My problems are not the parties but their choices. I just feel that we've come to a point where the nominating committees are just pulling names out of a hat and saying, I think this guy could be a leader. Where are the leaders? Where are the Best and the Brightest? I look back on the previous two elections and think, was this best we could do? McCain and obama? In the previous California Governors race, that question was asked by me several times. Is this really the best we can come up with?

Where are the FDR's or the JFK's or Richard Nixon's or Reagan's, or the Thomas Jefferson's, or Abraham Lincolns of our political world? These are what I would call the best and the brightest. We've lost sight of that premise and lowered our standards to the point where we have decided on the lesser of two evils or the alternative.

I want to be inspired, to be compelled to be a leader myself, not to just feel like we got someone for the sake of getting someone. Let's change things by demanding that we get the best to be our leaders. I don't want to settle for the alternative, I want to know beyond a shadow of doubt that the person who gets my vote is one that is MOST deserving of it. We need strength, courage, and boldness, not weakness, uncertainty, and laziness.

Inspire us, and we will follow. Let's raise the standards of public debates in this country by not just attacking the other point of view, but telling us what YOU will do. That's the thing I abhor about the debates. It's all about saying why we shouldn't vote for the other guy. Tell me why I need to vote for you.

Let's raise our standards people and expect the best. Maybe, just maybe, we will get just that. No more alternatives or lesser choices, we get what we asked for.... The Best.

You may not agree with me, that's fine. But I think if you see that I'm trying to raise a level of debate, you'll see that I might be onto something. Again, I think both parties are at fault. Not just the one that I am not a member of. I am hoping to be inspired and I am hopeful that this November, that's what I will get.

Until next time