Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It's Ok.

Who said that everyone has to think the same way? Who says that we all must have the same thoughts about the same things and view things in the same way? News flash, we have brains, we have personalities, and we have opinions. It's OK to think differently than the other guy. It's OK to have an opinion.

I've been noticing a lot lately that when I have conversations with people, or when I see people post something on their FACEBOOK that they believe in, it sometimes gets met with mockery, or the phrase, "I disagree with you." Sometimes it is followed up with some rational thinking behind the disagreement, other times it is followed up by put downs and insults just because the way they think isn't the same as the herd.

Look at the title of my blog, the thoughts and OPINIONS of Preston. I am entitled to think the things I want, and say the things I want to say. You don't have to agree with me. You don't even have to like the things I say. Point is, this is what I feel and I am sticking to it.

It's hard today to go against the current. There are so many things out there that people are speaking out against like the economy, our leaders, our votes, crime, war, social injustice, you name it.

I saw a news report last week just after Prop 8 was overturned. On the show were two ladies who were showing their support for the overturn and proclaiming a victory. I have no problem with that. They are entitled to express their opinion. What gets me is that when they interviewed a lawyer who was taking up the Prop 8 side in the appeal and he stated why he was taking on the case and that it wasn't right that one judge could overturn a majority vote, the women attacked him for thinking the way he did and called him intolerant. He was making it clear that he wasn't attacking the issue of the bill, but the fact that it was easily overturned by one person. The women didn't want to see his side, didn't care. They simply wanted to tell him that he was wrong and he should be ashamed of himself for thinking the way he did. To me, these ladies were the ones being intolerant. They didn't want to hear what he had to say, because it didn't go along with that they believe. So be it. Move on!

I'll be honest... I voted yes on prop 8. I am a Christian and I don't condone or agree with this lifestyle choice. And I'm done preaching. I don't think though that marriage is something that should be decided by the courts or government. There are many thing that government should and should not be in the business of and marriage is one of them. Now, I know, my opinion on this matter doesn't meet with everyone else on the planet, and I am perfectly OK with that. It's not a big deal to me that everyone agree with me.

Having the ability to think for ourselves is a great gift. It's a great freedom to be able to have a thought and argue it rationally with those who disagree with you. What irks me is when the argument becomes a bigger deal than the issue. So I disagree with you, is the world coming to an end because of it? I doubt it. You may not agree with your own political party. Fine. Say what you think. You may not agree that a movie is worth seeing (avatar), don't see it. Don't cave in to the pressures of the world just because you don't agree. It's OK to have your own opinions. It's OK to have a thought different than the world.

Here's what's not OK.... attacking people for their way of thinking. Ridiculing others because they think differently. Forming an opinion without getting all the facts first... That is where we dig our graves. Sometimes we form a decision without knowing the circumstance, the situation, or have all the details. Before you form an opinion, get the facts straight... that will make your argument stand up should and when you get attacked for it.

You may not agree with me, fine... I accept that... you don't like it, try to convince me otherwise. I will tell you this though... you will never ever ever ever get me to admit that the man sitting in the white house is and was the best man for the job and should get my vote... My opinion on this is so.... Worst President Ever. And that includes Ulysses Grant, Gerald Ford, Chester A. Arthur, and William H. Taft, who was pretty bad.

That is my opinion and I am sticking to it.

Until next time

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