Saturday, August 7, 2010

What about what's Morally Right?

This week has seen the best and worst of Americans brought out. From the American voice silenced by the few, to... you know what, I can't think of anything that was good this week that Americans can really be proud of. I want to, I just can't. This may be my most controversial piece yet, but it has to be said.

I am tired of being politically correct. I am sick and tired of the term "PC" being used to avoid the issue. I am tired of pretending that things don't bother me, that people don't bother me. I am tired of hiding behind a term that has lost its importance on me. Forget being PC how about being morally right? How about doing things that you know to be right but may not be the popular thing to do?

When did the majority become less important than the minority? When did it become OK in America to reject what the masses want in favor of sticking up for someone that shouldn't have had a voice to begin with... illegals?

America is in shambles people! A terrible economy that is laying off people every day, a housing market that is costing people money all the time, and the latest, a political system that is robbing the voters of it's voice. We have been the morals police for the world since 1776 when we adopted a little document called the Declaration of Independence. Now, we have stopped doing what is moral and are doing what will get us reelected or money in our pockets. Or worse yet, our name in the paper and our 15 minutes of fame.

Morality has become a lost art. It has become the thing that we don't talk about anymore for the fear that we might offend someone. You know what, offending people is going to happen when you live in a free society. You're not going to please 100% of the people 100% of the time. People are going to get offended, and yet here we are hiding behind this stupid thing called politically correct.

We need politicians who will fix the problems that this country has not add to them. Lately, everything we hear coming from our elected or appointed leaders has been in admonition of something that the states or the people want. Do your job people! Listen to voices of the people that put you in office. Stop lining your wallet with money from people you know you shouldn't listen to and start being morally right.

Living in a free country means sometimes people are going to get offended. The sooner we start understanding that concept the quicker things will turn around. You what happens to a free society where the voice of the people is ignored? It's no longer a free society... it's becomes when it looks like it, smells like it, tastes like, you call it what it is... FASCISM.

The mighty and powerful get more mighty and more powerful while the little people get ignored and pushed to the side. Let's stop hiding from the truth, and stop being NICE.... be morally right.... then you can be nice.

It's time to make our once great nation great again. Leader of America, judges, politicians, governors, and yes even you, Mr. Obama, stop ignoring the people you govern over. Stop being a politician for two minutes and be a leader. I think you will see a difference in the way you act, and are perceived.

Until next time

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